If you've never scrimmed before don't be shy and try it out!

I would like to make an attendance list to we know who is in and who can fill in if we lose players.


1. Must be on the forums and reply to say your in.
2. Must have a mic. (If not go buy one today for 5 bucks)
3. Must be in vent. (so if you aren't registered yet I suggest you do so before hand)
4. NO RAGING on other players. (This is open to people who have never scrimmed before too so don't rage on them for not knowing what to do)
5. Don't be shy. If you have never scrimmed before now is your chance! It's a 5v5 match on a bomb map like Dust2.
6. Have FUN and enjoy. Remember this could all be possible thanks to the great NG community we have.

I'm gonna try my best to keep the scores and stuff too like taking screenshots of each half and post it on the forums.


1. de_cbble
2. de_rush_v2

If you don't have any of the maps please download them here: Noobgalore's FastDL (Download the .bsp) and put it in your program files/steam/steamapps/YOURACCOUNTNAME/counter-strike source/cstrike/maps folder

If you don't have a ventrilo download it here: ventrilo.com and install it. Go to vent.noobgalore.us, port 2008 a little earlier than 9 and I'll register you to get an account.

Time: 9pm EASTERN - meet in Scim1A channel

**** If we have a lot of people wanting to play tonight or any other night I'm gonna have to ask some of the regular scrimmers to let scrim noobs play to give them a chance to get in and so that it's not always the same people scrimming every night ****