[APPROVED]John Wayne / Soccer
1. Your Name? Mike
2. Your Age? 21
3. In-Game Name? |NG|John Wayne™
4. Your SteamID? STEAM_0:1:20261484
5. Have you read and do you agree with the requirements? Yes
6. Around what time interval do you normally play? Periodically throughout the day (about one hour total)
7. How long have you been playing CSS on your Steam Account that you're applying with? About a year
8. Do you sport the NG tag in your name at all times while in NG servers? Mmmmhmmm
9. Do you have a MIC, and Vent installed, and USE them both? Yup
10. How long have you been playing in the NG community and actively been in vent and posting in the forums? Six months or so
11. Do you have any admin experience with Mani or SourceMod admin plugin? Yes
12. Why do you want to be an admin on our servers? The soccer server rarely has a hacker, but occasionally there is mic spam and racism. Having an admin around to take care of trouble, or to communicate with, could hopefully keep more players in the server. I just want to make sure everyone is having a good time in the server, while listening to what they have to say. Infact, I've been told that our soccer server is one of the best in North America.
13. Are you willing to donate on a monthly basis? Of course